Manufactured Homes Geauga County Auditor's Office

Owners of manufactured homes may elect to be taxed under either the manufactured home or real property tax, if ownership was acquired prior to January 1, 2000. Transfer of Ownership - The County Auditor must transfer used manufactured homes that are sold after January 1, 2000. The sale is subject to a conveyance fee of $ 4.00 per $1,000 of the sale price. Once the conveyance is paid in the Auditor’s Office, the Clerk of Courts will transfer the title without charging sales tax.

Your real estate taxes are based on the appraised value of your home. You have the right to appeal the appraised value of your home by filing a complaint with the Board of Revision. Complaintsmust be receivedby the Auditor’s Office between January 1stand March 31st.Postmarks are NOT accepted. If the home was purchased prior to that date, and the home is taxed under the manufactured home tax, it will be taxed like real property after it is sold.


The Mobile Home Registration Certificate must be filed with the Wood County Auditor within thirty days of acquiring the manufactured home. Failure to comply will result in a $100 penalty added to the tax bill. The title is submitted to the Wood County Treasurer’s Office , either in person or by mail for tax payment verification. Understand what mobile home taxes you may owe, depending on where you live. The appraisal method, all homes will be appraised for market value by the County Auditor. These values will be adjusted every three years on the same schedule as Real Property.

mobile home taxes ohio

To change, all taxes must be paid prior to the conversion and a form (available in the Auditor’s Office) must be completed. Transfers after Jan. 1, 2000 will automatically convert to the appraisal method. Contact the Auditor’s Office if you are interested in converting to the appraisal method.

Everything You Need to Know Before Renting a Mobile Home

This program reduces the taxable value of the property, thereby reducing the taxes owned. The application may be filed between the first Monday in January and the first Monday in June each year in the Auditor’s Office. There is a 10% rollback for everyone and a 2½% credit for all owner-occupied manufactured mobile home owners. Under the appraisal method, all homes are appraised for market value by the County Auditor.

mobile home taxes ohio

Used manufactured and mobile homes are exempt from the sales tax. Tax Info Discover how upcoming levy changes, tax rates, and value of your property affects your property taxes. Appraisal The main function of the appraisal department is to maintain fair and equal market values of all real estate and manufactured homes in the county.

Delinquent Taxes

Under this method manufactured homeowners pay a manufactured home tax that is like real property tax. The values of these homes will be adjusted every three years to their estimated market values. The estimated market value of the home will be multiplied by 35% to create an assessed or "taxable" value for the property. This value is then multiplied by the effective tax rate to determine the amount of tax that will be billed semi-annually. Manufactured homes that acquired situs in Ohio or were transferred on or after January 1, 2000 are subject to a manufactured home tax that is like the real property tax. Alternatively, the owner may convert such a home to real property status and therefore subject the home to the real property tax.

mobile home taxes ohio

Appraisal Method – A manufactured home that is purchased after Jan. 1, 2000 will be taxed using the Appraisal method. In addition, owners of existing manufactured homes may elect to convert to this method. All manufactured and mobile homeowners must register their home with the County Auditor within 30 days of acquiring situs in that county.

Generally speaking, the home must be affixed to a permanent foundation and the owner of the home must also own the land upon which the home sits. All taxes must be paid, and the title of the manufactured home must be inactivated and surrendered to the County Title Office. Contact the Auditor’s Office if you are interested in this method. Ohio law allows homeowners who own the land on which their manufactured or mobile home is placed to convert the home to real estate. To do so, the home must be affixed on a permanent foundation, all taxes must be paid, and the title surrendered to the Auditor's Office. Mobile home taxes can be classified a couple of different ways depending on the land beneath the home.

Please use the form to change the address of the property you own. You will need to do this for each manufactured home that you own. Personal property tax can be levied on myriad items — including jewelry, art, furniture and other household goods. However, taxation on personal items is determined by the local taxation authority where you and your belongings reside.

Appraisal Method

A form, available from the Auditor’s Office, must be filed as well. Please note that you can only change your method of taxation once. Please contact the Auditor’s Office for assistance in converting to the appraisal method. You may convert your method of taxation to the appraisal method by contacting the Franklin County Auditor's Office prior to December 1st of any year. To convert to the appraisal method, all taxes must be paid, and a form available from the Auditor's Office must be filed. Manufactured mobile homeowners 65 years old or permanently disabled are eligible.

mobile home taxes ohio

Homes taxed under this method are entitled to the 10% rollback and the 2.5% rollback for owner-occupied properties. All manufactured or mobile homes that are purchased or otherwise transferred after January 1, 2000, are taxed like real poperty. Annually, the Auditor’s office assesses each manufactured home and prepares a tax list. Tax bills are generated from the list and are sent to each owner semi-annually. The house trailer tax is distributed back to the local taxing districts in the same manner as real estate taxes. Owners of manufactured homes acquired prior to January 1, 2000, may choose to convert to the appraisal method, however, you may only change once.
